What prevents us from seeing the Lord? We are not used to seeing Jesus in the ordinary, everyday events of our lives. We expect some kind of startling, extraordinary revelation to occur that definitely and unmistakably sends a signal that God wants our attention. We don’t expect a visit from Jesus while we are having breakfast, doing the dishes, running after the kids, negotiating a deal at work, or taking a shower! Sometimes when God simply stands on the shore of our lives casually looking for us, we don’t recognize him. Did we ever stop and think that God is really and truly interested in the routine, run of the mill events of our lives? So, “what did you do today?” God may ask. Maybe we don’t think that God is concerned about such things, or we are so consumed with life’s demands that we give it little if any thought. Perhaps we are determined to achieve our own success, desire to control things ourselves or not really sure what God cares about. God is there. One day, out of the blue, God will get our attention and ask, “Do you love me?”