The human heart will always find itself wanting unless it finds its rest in God. Many people haven’t yet figured out that pursuing purely secular ideologies and interests and side stepping their relationship with God causes them to fall short of their potential. When we seek our satisfaction, seek our strength, and establish priorities based entirely on the things of this world, we come up empty. There is never enough and we are always reaching for more. We develop distorted senses of justice, lose our moral axis, and lower our benchmarks for change, growth, and development. That is why knowing the beatitudes and God’s vision they contain is so important. They remind us that our consumption, success driven lives can actually hurt and exploit others; quickly moving us away from God’s idea of how things need to look. God ultimately will set things straight. We can assist in that mission now by trusting, hoping, and looking to God for our cues for how to live, set goals for ourselves and discern the best way to share this world with our brothers and sisters.