Exodus 90 is a ninety-day Catholic spiritual exercise designed for men seeking to attain greater freedom through a structured regimen of prayer, asceticism, and fraternity.
Participants commit to daily spiritual practices, including:
• Reading Scripture passages and reflections from the Book of Exodus.
• Engaging in a Holy Hour each day, with at least twenty minutes dedicated to silent prayer.
• Making a Morning Offering and a Nightly Examen.
• Celebrating the Lord’s Day on Sundays.
These practices aim to deepen one’s relationship with God and foster spiritual growth.
The programme incorporates acts of self-denial to build discipline and detach from worldly distractions. Participants are encouraged to:
• Take cold showers.
• Exercise thrice weekly.
• Avoid unnecessary use of smartphones and computers.
• Abstain from video games, television, alcohol, sweet drinks, snacking between meals, and desserts.
• Listen only to music that uplifts the soul to God.
• Refrain from unnecessary purchases.
• Fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, consuming one full meal and two smaller meals, and abstain from meat on these days.
These disciplines are intended to help participants say “no” to lesser things, enabling them to say “yes” to greater commitments when God calls.
Men undertake Exodus 90 in small groups, typically of 5-7 members, to provide mutual support and accountability. This involves:
• Daily check-ins with an ‘anchor’—a designated accountability partner within the group.
• Weekly fraternity meetings to share experiences, challenges, and encouragement.
This communal aspect fosters brotherhood and ensures that participants do not journey alone, reflecting the Christian call to live in community.
The disciplines and practices of Exodus 90 are designed to lead participants toward ‘uncommon freedom’—a state of being free from modern distractions and addictions, enabling a fuller commitment to faith, family, and service. 
For more detailed information, including guidance on forming a fraternity and accessing daily readings and reflections, you can visit the official Exodus 90 website.