Life is about to get very interesting for the disciples. Finding themselves questioning what happened to Jesus and whether he actually was raised from the dead, they are afraid and uncertain. In the midst of this fear, questioning, and uncertainty, Jesus decides to surprise them with a visit! This visit, complete with the gift of peace, fills the disciples with great excitement and joy. But their detailed testimony is not enough to convince their absent friend Thomas. He wants to see for himself. We struggle with belief as well. It is hard for some to give themselves over to the testimony of another. We want to see the resurrected Christ in person. God, through the gift of eyes of faith, gives us the ability to do precisely that: when we witness the healing that comes from forgiveness, the beauty that flows from love, the wonder of creation, the new life that comes after we fall, and the unique soul that lives behind each person’s life. Christ is risen. Life will get very interesting for us too, when we stop unbelieving and believe!