While we have to be cognizant of our societal and personal responsibilities in this world, we can never lose sight of where our true citizenship lies — heaven. When we become too immersed in earthly things and too preoccupied with our temporal responsibilities, we can actually become numb to our faith. Becoming ambivalent about our faith, our belief in Jesus Christ and the promises of heaven become more a source of agitation rather than a source of promise and hope. It is easy to become an enemy of Christ without even knowing it is happening. God has given us a very clear destiny. We are definitely not meant to conform ourselves to this world but to the transfiguration and glorification of our bodies to come. It is here where we can see clearly not only who God is but who we are. The way many conduct the daily business of their lives suggests that such a promise or hope is of little importance. What does the way you live your daily life say about you?