Prepare the way of the Lord! The message of John the Baptist becomes the calling of every baptized disciple of Jesus Christ. Each one of us is asked to prepare the way of the Lord. Given the humble means of our lives, how can we do this? It certainly does not require that we stand on street corners announcing God’s future coming! We can more readily take up the task of our lifework by clearing our lives of unnecessary, distracting clutter. By creating solid and deep spiritual lives, we can heighten our awareness of God’s presence and help people point to and discover God’s presence around them. By conducting ourselves in holiness and devotion, we can speak volumes to those we meet. Not by preaching actual words, but by living lives that communicate the comfort God wants His people to know. As the world sometimes frantically unfolds around us, we can be people of patience who show others that it’s okay to wait for God’s gift to come. Conducting our lives in this manner, we will know the peace that comes from doing what we have been asked to do.