On the Third Sunday of Advent, this year 12/13 December, families throughout the diocese of Rome gather in St Peter’s Square to receive a special blessing from the Pope. They bring with them their Bambinilli – figurines of the Baby Jesus from their homes’ Nativity scenes.
Over the years this tradition has spread from Rome around the world and this year we are starting in Sunderland.
We are inviting everyone to come to Mass this weekend with the Baby Jesus figurines from their Nativity sets. During the Mass there will be a special blessing for the little statues and families in preparation for the birth of Jesus as Christmas.
The tradition is that after the blessing, when families get home, the figurine is wrapped up and put under the Christmas Tree. Then, after Mass on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning, the baby Jesus is unwrapped and placed into the Nativity scene – a gift from God the Father to the Family: his very own Son!
So, bring your baby Jesus to Mass with you this weekend and get yourselves ready to unwrap a very special present on Christmas morning