Prophets possess an intimate knowledge of God and act on their experience of God. Prophetic messages usually challenge the status quo and draw us up and out of ourselves, focusing us on the bigger picture. We often think of ourselves and our own needs first. When we listen to someone speak, we judge the merit of the message by its degree of usefulness. If the message or vision contains no personal benefit or profit but a call to stretch and grow, we can become indignant. Prophets are usually the ones whose message challenges us and calls us to see things differently and love more perfectly and deeply. God is love. When listening to St. Paul speak about love we witness the unfolding of this type of unconditional, other centered, self-sacrificial perfect God. It is an invitation to life, freedom, and happiness that can be offered to us only by God. Jesus, who is God and Love incarnate, calls us to this richer expression of love. Are we ready to listen and be challenged and stretched?