MonFri11:30 AM to 12:00 PM A priest is available for Confession or a chat on weekdays before the 12:05 Mass upon request.
Thursday:10:00 AM to 10:30 AM St Cecilia's before the Thursday morning Mass.
Saturday:10:15 AM to 11:00 AM Mercy Chapel (St Mary's)11:30 AM to 12:15 PM Mercy Chapel (St Mary's)
Adoration Times
SunSat8:00 AM to 5:30 PM
The Mercy Chapel is open daily for private prayer and adoration. Enter by the side door to St Mary's Church, opposite Wearmouth Bridge. We pray Morning Prayer every day at 8 a.m. in the Mercy Chapel.
Grow in faith in 2025
Our Lady of Mercy Parish invites you to grow in your faith in 2025. Bible 365, Exodus 90 for men and the Rescue Project will help you engage more deeply in your faith, grow in discipleship and renew your relationship with Jesus.
Bible 365
Welcome the Word of God into your life in 2025. Join us in reading the entire Bible in one year.
Our culture has no shortage of 'Modern Pharaohs' that hold us back from true unity with God. If we're ruled by these Pharaohs how can we be free to become the men God made us to be? Exodus 90 gives Catholic men the tools to take control of their lives. Its a way out.
We live our lives according to the stories we believe... but what if there is another story?
That story is the gospel! The Rescue Project seeks to proclaim the gospel in a compelling and attractive way over eight weeks in a small group format. All adults and teens are invited to join us in discovering the story.
The Rescue Project starts 6 January at 6.30 pm.
St Jeanne Jugan Parish
Parishioners of St Jeanne Jugan Parish — St Leonard's, Holy Rosary and Immaculate Heart — needing pastoral care or support are welcome to contact Our Lady of Mercy Parish for the time being.
Open to all students! Drop into the Chaplaincy every Wednesday between 1pm - 2pm for tea, coffee, snacks, bracelet making and other relaxing activities!
You’re warmly invited to join our RCIA (Journey of Faith) programme as we explore the richness of the Catholic faith together. Whether you’re curious, seeking answers, or ready to take the next step, this is a welcoming space to ask questions and deepen your relationship with God. All are welcome!
Every Thursday, the Open House team prepare a hot meal and a warm welcome to the needy of the city. The team is always looking for volunteers to help prepare and serve the guests.
If you've been away from the practice of the faith for a little while or a long time, welcome back! People stop practicing their faith for all sorts of reasons. However, Jesus never stops calling us back home to his Catholic Church.
Right now he's calling you and waiting for you to respond to his invitation to experience again the peace and joy that only he can bring. Welcome home!
The story of Joseph is one of the most vivid narratives in the book of Genesis, and it comes to a stunning climax in Genesis 45 when Joseph, now a powerful ruler in Egypt, reveals his identity to his brothers. This passage is rich with theological significance, offering insights into forgiveness, divine providence, and God’s plan of salvation.
This week’s newsletter includes a reflection on the Baptism of the Lord, inviting us to consider how we live out our own baptismal calling. There’s also important news about St Jeanne Jugan Parish, the Exodus 90 programme for men, updates on parish life, and a feature on St John Vianney, offering insights into his life and faith. Whether you’re looking for spiritual inspiration or practical information about upcoming events, the newsletter has plenty to offer. Download it today and stay connected with parish life.
The Church is alive. It’s not just an organisation. It’s not simply a collection of people with similar beliefs. It is the Body of Christ, a living organism, formed by Him and for Him, sent into the world to share His love. This mission is the heart of what it means to be the Church. It’s bold. It’s dynamic. It’s urgent.